At about 9:45 I woke to my phone ringing and found that John was on the other end, although I must admit I never recognize his voice over the phone anymore. I usually don't get up this early but it was nice to start an early morning hearing from my best friend, who, I'll have to know, I've come to admire quite a bit over the years. After a few minutes of chatting he proceeded to "scold" me in John's do what I say or else manner and tell me that if I'm gonna have a blog I have to actually post stuff. Although it wasn't quite as dramatic as I make sound, it was a breath of fresh air to hear from my brother and know that he hasn't changed a bit and still isn't afraid to be blunt and tell me how it is, which I absolutely love and miss by the way. I started thinking about growing up and realized that I really miss that bond that we have as brothers in which we can just tell the other that they're being stupid or get in a big fight and still be best friends a moment later. One of those unexplainable manly/brotherly quirks. A lot of this may not make sense cause it's two oclock in the morning and I'm super tired so I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really missing John and it was so good to hear from him.
After talking to John I went to work where I was completely useless on account of making deliveries and having to drive to Idaho Falls and not getting back until midnight. So being as tired as I was I jumped right on the opportunity to go with Darren, our driver, and deliver some drug carts that were too heavy for one person to load and unload. Having no idea on the adventure on which we were about to embark we loaded up the carts(still packaged in boxen) and delivered them to their respective homes. Since they were still packaged in their ginormous boxes we had to take them out of the boxes and take about what seemed to be at least a hundred yard of plastic rap off the carts. Keep in mind these carts or no small item, with the top of their boxes sitting about two feet above the cab of the truck. But who needs to strap down a bunch of empty boxes sitting in the back of a truck on a windy day, right? Wrong. I'm sure you've all figured out what happened on our way back to the office by now and you're probably getting just as good a laugh out of it as we did. Needless to say, jumping out of a truck in the suicide lane of none other than the busy street of Yellowstone with traffic on both sides to save a giant box and a bunch of plastic wrap was quite the adventure which made my Friday and this job worth every minute. One of those times where I wish someone had a video camera to document the whole thing.
When we got back I continued with that part about being useless and we got off at 5:30 since it was so slow. I decided I would go donate plasma and that's just another story for tomorrow that I don't even want to get into right now. After donating I went over to the girls' place hung out until The Comedy Project. But I guess since you'll probably hear a lot about "the girls" i should esplain that too. "The girls" consist of two of my closest high school friends Tifini Briscoe and Kelsey Helmandollar and their two of their roommated Kayla and Kelsey Richard, who are twins and very, very, very, very hyeractive. Pretty much everyday after work, or church, or anything for that matter I go over the their place and we hang out. A lot of our hanging out consists of watching Gilmore Girls and Smallville on my tv(actually John's tv) down in their room and it's always a party. I hope you're all glad that I'm doing my duty in honoring the Fullmer name by spending most of my time at a house with nine girls living there.
Anyway, after watching a really intense season finale of Smallville, Feef(Tifini) and I went to The Comedy Project at ten. TCP started a couple years ago with a few college students doing improv shows for a college project and has turned into a weekly event at the Quarry. Let's just say that my Friday nights are precious to me and Feef and I go there every week to get our two hours of three dollar improv entertainment. And it's a "family friendly" show so you can bring the kids. It's HILARIOUS. I hope you all get to experience this someday. After TCP it's turned into tradition to go to Denny's at midnight so we picked up the other girls and went. And I'll have you know that walking into a restaraunt with four girls is a really good way to boost your confidence(just a little advice for the grandsons) or ego; I haven't decided which it is yet.
Upon returning home(to the girls' place) they decided they wanted to get to bed before 1:30, which normally means that's my que to go home, so I came home and got to this point in the morning, and I've decided that no sane person should ever blog at 2:30 in the morning. But I've got to go set my DVR to record conference cause there's no way I'm getting up at ten with any possibility of staying awake so I'll be going now. I'm doing great and life is fantastic. I should be starting my mission papers this week or shortly thereafter and only have 28 days till we can submit them. I love and miss you all and hope to get good comments. TTFN!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
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De Papa and De Mama

Your blog has me reminiscing about all the fun things I did right after high school. All the ridiculous late nights and constant partying (mormon partying that is) :D Enjoy it buddy! I'm not saying life gets worse after marriage, but it gets different (a better different), but these times in life shouldn't be passed up for anything because you won't ever get them again. Make good memories!
I wonder how people do those funniest home videos? Do they just always have their cameras ready to catch any moment. It would have been fun to see your adventure with the blowing boxes. What Fullmer man doesn't like several women on his arm. (Or didn't when they were all single) ;)
Haha good to see I still have some sway!
It's good to hear about you hanging out with all girls! Thatta boy!
I glad my TV is still getting some good use...but Gilmore Girls? Really? I guess I will let it go and blame it on the ladies.
Haha. Ya, one of those shows where I always wonder why I'm watching it but can't refuse When the girls want to. And you can't complain about the pretty ladies in the show.
And no worries there, you've still got plenty of sway with me.
Love ya bro. Stay safe.
I feel old - it's been so long since I stayed up that late. It's 12:30 now and I'm exhausted and staying up because I wanted to catch up on all the blogging. Enjoy it while it lasts. When you get on the mission you have a curfew (that's not hard to follow because you are so tired from trying to be on a spiritual high all day).
I'm glad you still have the Fullmer blood - 4 girls. Gotta love those Fullmers.
Good words.
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